Happy Pride Month 2021
Pride month commemorates the Stonewall riots in NYC, which occurred at the end of June 1969. In the late 60’s the LGBTQQAI+ population took to the streets in NYC to protest the legally and politically repressive policies and police brutality against the community. These riots represented a turning point for the LGBTQQAI+ population which supported an increase in awareness and the beginning of a cultural shift for the community.
In celebration, The Warwick Valley Community Center and the GSA/Living Well Youth Group are hosting a Day of Acceptance on Saturday June 5th from 5:30-8:30pm at Stanley Demming Park. We are very excited to have a booth at this event and we will have some exciting items to raffle off. First prize will be a handmade pride sun catcher (made by Victoria Britton), 2nd and 3rd prizes will be a Sugar Loaf Mental Wellness canvas tote bag. Stop by our booth, say hello, and sign up for our email list to enter our raffle, we look forward to meeting you and celebrating pride month together!!